Become a Corporate Partner

Cambridge Film Festival is an excellent platform to promote your business and engage with new and existing audiences. By becoming a partner of CFF, you are supporting a charitable organisation dedicated to working across the region and nationally to provide opportunities for people to be inspired by and engage with film and the moving image.

We are committed to building long-term, flexible relationships with our partners, which maximise the benefits for everyone.

Just some of the benefits of supporting the Cambridge Film Festival include:

  • An association with the Cambridge Film Festival and the substantial brand equity that it provides.
  • Direct profile with our audience of over 10,000 and an active social media network of over 46,000
  • Your brand on the Festival website which has over 124,000 page views from 50,000 users.
  • Invitations to Festival events and galas for you and your staff.
  • Opportunities for unique hospitality events at the Festival for your clients and staff.

See our latest Festival report and partnership document below.
If you have any questions about supporting CFF, please don't hesitate to contact Becky Mann, our Sponsorship and Development Manager.